Global Law Faculty Initiative: Class Is Now In Session

Think Prometheus. Not the science fiction movie but the chap from Greek mythology. The one who had the audacity to steal fire from the gods.
Though the Promethean story is just a myth, in a real sense what was it like for the first human to have figured out how to start a fire and harness its power; to cook their meat and not eat it raw; to add spices to alter the taste of the meat. What was it like when they figured out how to build huts and brick buildings; when they invented writing; or when the printing press was first invented? We know what it has been like since computers and the internet became part of our everyday lives.
Innovation, invention, and the willingness to change and adapt is part of the human story. Not all innovations are seismic changes impacting upon generations to come. We make small and modest changes as well. We adjust. We improvise.
At some level, the Coronavirus pandemic that we are living through has given us an opportunity to discover our own way to light a fire. This pandemic and the challenges it has thrown at us as educators cannot be underestimated. Amidst numerous challenges in adjusting to new ways of delivering lectures, many of us had to learn new tools and new skills. BAC had to dig deep into its collective resources to figure out how best to keep our students engaged and to deliver the best value as an educational institution.
This has been the right time for us to be Prometheus; to steal fire from the gods. To be bold enough to kickstart new initiatives. As our students, most of you are already aware of the Global Law Faculty initiative that was started in the last academic year

Slide one from Topic 8 of a Contract Law Lecture by Professor Ewan McKendrick (Yes, that Ewan McKendrick.)
Slide one from Topic 8 of a Contract Law Lecture by Professor Ewan McKendrick (Yes, that Ewan McKendrick.)
Each of the academics that agreed to be part of this initiative are senior members of globally renowned universities. They are leading academics, LLB Examiners and subject matter experts from the United Kingdom. This initiative was largely experimental in the last academic year but we have received overwhelmingly positive feedback from our student body. Our BAC lecturers are fully supportive of this initiative. Most importantly, the members of the Global law faculty itself have shown tremendous enthusiasm for this project.
Each of the academics that agreed to be part of this initiative are senior members of globally renowned universities. They are leading academics, LLB Examiners and subject matter experts from the United Kingdom. This initiative was largely experimental in the last academic year but we have received overwhelmingly positive feedback from our student body. Our BAC lecturers are fully supportive of this initiative. Most importantly, the members of the Global law faculty itself have shown tremendous enthusiasm for this project.

Sharing Knowledge: Professor Martin Dixon screen sharing key points during a Property Law lecture.
Sharing Knowledge: Professor Martin Dixon screen sharing key points during a Property Law lecture.
Just two years ago, if you were to attend the lecture of one of these Professors, you have to be a student at the University where they lecture or BAC may have chosen to invite some of them to deliver short guest lectures of perhaps a few hours. Technology has enabled us to bring these leading Professors right into your homes to share their invaluable insights into the law. Some of that flame of knowledge that they carry with them can be passed on to our students.
At BAC, we’d like to think, that, like Prometheus, we have stolen some fire from the gods.

A Jurisprudence class with Professor James Penner for the University of London (UOL) programme.
A Jurisprudence class with Professor James Penner for the University of London (UOL) programme.
For the current academic year beginning in September 2021, we are excited to kick-off the second series of classes under the BAC Global Faculty Initiative. Our panel of world-class lecturers will cover the entire syllabus and revision for the UKT and UOL students. A whopping number of hours per subject has been planned, ranging from 30 to 40 hours for each subject. Our usual lectures and seminars delivered by the faculty from BAC Malaysia and BAC Singapore will continue to be the staple. That’s right. Additional hours. Additional insights.

Contract Law Lessons with Professor Ewan McKendrick
Contract Law Lessons with Professor Ewan McKendrick
The Prometheus myth is not just significant for the stolen fire. The Greek meaning for the word itself is “forethought”. We believe that this BAC initiative is like none that has ever been done by any educational institution. We hope that our students will benefit from the diversity of perspectives that the Global Faculty is able to offer.
Let’s carry this Promethean flame together and bask in its light.
Members of the Global Law Faculty team include: