International Women's Day with BAC Leo Club

by Shenoj Kuruvilla
International Women's Day on 8th March is a day we honour and celebrate women around the world, and the BAC Leo Club did just that.
On the day itself, the Leo Club walked around campus, and they got people to write out their thoughts on women and well wishes for International Women's Day. They got responses from a handful of people, who wrote encouraging messages and quotes for women to see such as "Behind every successful man there is a woman," and "When there's women there's magic!"

In line with the theme "Break the Bias," they also did an interview with people around campus. The interviewers asked questions like "What does International Women's Day mean to you?" and "Are you aware of any feminism issues?" This allowed them to raise awareness on the impact that women have in today's world. If you are interested to hear the responses, the interview is available on their YouTube channel!
After the thoughts writing and interview session, the members gathered at the Student Hub to record a TikTok video to show their appreciation. In the video, they wished everyone a 'Happy International Women's Day' and they showcased the thoughts and encouraging messages for everyone to see. This was also shared on their Instagram profile to show their support and celebrate along with all other women.
Their celebration of women didn't end there. The Leo Club wished to make an impact in the world, especially since women still face so many struggles in their day to day lives.
So on that day itself, the Leo Club visited Women's Aid Organisation (WAO), an NGO that protects women who are victims of violence. They donated sanitary pads to them, which will go to said women.

All in all, the Leo Club did a good thing, and no matter the size of their contribution, they have made an impact in the world, and there are women whose lives will be better, because of their initiative.
Stay tuned as Leo Club continues to make an impact not just in the lives of women, but many others too!